Articles by tags: Cigarette

Breast rancer risk
5 Tips to Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer Cancer is responsible annually for about 8 million deaths worldwide. This number becomes even more shocking if we take into account that up to 50% of cancers can be prevented through simple care and some changes in lifestyle.
Cancer   Article saved: 02 September 2017
Smoker and radiation
Did You Know Cigarettes are Radioactive? The ordinary cigarette is a product composed initially of about 600 different substances. I say initially because, when lit, the combustion process generates a huge amount of new substances, making a single cigarette and its smoke contains over 7,000 different chemicals. Of these, 400 are notoriously toxic and at least 70 are known carcinogens, that is capable of causing cancer.
Lungs diseases   Article saved: 19 January 2016
Lung cancer
Lung Cancer - Cigarette and Other Risk Factors Lung cancer is the most common cancer, which causes most deaths worldwide. To get an idea of the aggressiveness of this tumor, you should know that the mortality of lung cancer is higher than that of breast, prostate and bowel together.
Cancer   Article saved: 30 April 2013
Red meat
Red Meat Really Cause Cancer? In late October 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IACR, its acronym in English) in which the processed red meats are now classified as carcinogens Group 1 of the IARC , the same group to which the cigarette, asbestos and ionizing radiation belong. For those not familiar with the term a carcinogenic substance is one that is capable of stimulating the development of a cancer in the body.
Cancer   Article saved: 17 August 2014
Smoking Cigarettes - Costs, Dangers and Diseases Currently about 1 billion people worldwide are smokers, making the cigarette the leading cause of preventable death.
Lungs diseases   Article saved: 05 January 2013

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Casie Hello Deliver the Highest-Quality disposable face mask from Certified ...
Contact dermatitis
safi I was attacked by bells palsy at the age of 16. That time I was not taking any ...
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carrie for some reason I thought anyone had to do with the heart ...
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