Articles by tags: Constipation

Painful bowel movements
Anal Fissure - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment The anal fissure is a small tear in the skin around the anus, which can arise after trauma, such as passing hard and/or large feces during an evacuation. Anal fissure usually occurs in middle-aged people, but it is also a common cause of rectal bleeding in babies.
Gastrointestinal   Article saved: 19 August 2017
Constipation - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Constipation is a situation that occurs when the patient evacuates heavily and infrequently, usually less than 3 times a week and need to make great efforts to that feces able to pass.
Constipation   Article saved: 02 November 2015
Hemorrhoids - Types, Symptoms and Treatment Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and rectum, which can cause pain, itching and anal bleeding.
General Health   Article saved: 19 January 2013
Intestinal constipation
Intestinal Constipation Constipation means too hard and small, or infrequently eliminated stools under excessive straining upon defecation.
Constipation   Article saved: 16 April 2016
Abdominal pain in IBS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome The irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habits, without any identifiable organic cause.
Gastrointestinal   Article saved: 26 October 2015
Bristol stool chart
Mucus in Feces, Green Feces and Other Changes Changes in the normal stool characteristics may be the first sign of disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Unfortunately, not many people have the habit of checking the appearance of stools after each bowel movement, letting clear signs of digestive problems.
Gastrointestinal   Article saved: 04 April 2016

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streptococcus 4 stress 6 stretch 1 striae 1 stroke 9 strongyloidiasis 1 stuffy 1 sugar 6 suicide 1 sunblock 1 sunburn 1 sunscreen 1 suppression 1 suppurativa 1 surface 2 surgery 23 sweat 2 swelling 9 swimming 1 swine flu 2 syndrome 15 syndromenephritis 1 synephrine 1 synovial 2 syphilis 4 tadalafil 1 taenia 1 tamiflu 1 tapeworm 2 telogen 1 tendinitis 1 tendon 2 test 22 testicle 3 testosterone 1 thermogenic 1 throat 4 thrombosis 6 thrush 1 thyroid 13 tinea 3 tinnitus 1 tiredness 3 tissue 13 tobacco 3 tomography 1 tonsillitis 5 toxic 3 toxin 4 toxoplasmosis 3 trachea 1 trachomatis 1 translucency 1 transparency 1 trauma 13 tremens 1 tremor 1 treponema pallidum 1 trichiuriasis 1 trichomonas 1 trichophyton 1 triglycerides 2 trypanosoma 1 tubal ligation 1 tubectomy 1 tuberculosis 2 tumor 15 tunnel 3 ulcer 8 ultrasound 3 urethra 11 urethritis 1 uric acid 1 urinary incontinence 1 urine 22 urologist 1 urticaria 2 uterine 2 vaccination 6 vaccine 13 vagina 6 vaginismus 1 vaginosis 1 valve 2 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Recent commentaries
Casie Hello Deliver the Highest-Quality disposable face mask from Certified ...
Contact dermatitis
safi I was attacked by bells palsy at the age of 16. That time I was not taking any ...
Bells palsy
carrie for some reason I thought anyone had to do with the heart ...
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