The antidepressant drug is a source indicated in the treatment of psychiatric disorders in the state of mind and mood. Despite its name, the depression is not its only indication.
Bipolar disorder is characterized by cyclical mood changes that manifest as depressive episodes alternating with episodes of elation or mania in different degrees of intensity.
Depression, also called major depressive disorder or unipolar depression, is a psychiatric disorder capable of causing numerous psychological and physical symptoms. Its most well-known symptom is a deep and prolonged sadness, which does not mean that all sadness is necessarily related to a picture of depression.
Insomnia is difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. Insomnia affects mood, impairs the ability to work and affects health. Sleeping badly is related to type 2 diabetes and other ailments.
Menopause is the name given to the woman's last period, an event caused by ovarian failure, characterized by stopping ovulation and estrogen production.
Moments of discouragement and sadness occur to everyone and are part of life. The problem arises when this feeling of emptiness is hard to disappear, disrupting his usual activities and taking away the pleasure of living.
The famous PMS, also known as premenstrual syndrome, is a term that refers to a set of physical and behavioral symptoms that occur cyclically during the second half of the menstrual cycle, ie in the period of the cycle between ovulation and the next menstruation.
Depression is a psychiatric illness that can cause numerous psychological and physical symptoms. Its best known symptom is a deep and prolonged sadness, which does not mean that all sorrow is necessarily related to a depression.